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Photojournalism and social justice are passions of mine. I use my photojournalism skills to spread information about social justice through the media and throughout the world. I believe photojournalism can connect people to the issues on a personal level. 

Portland's March for Science 2018

The people of Portland joined together once again in support of science.

Portland's Vigil for Stephon Clark

I grew up right outside of Sacramento. My heart aches for the family of Stephon Clark and everyone else who has felt wounds reopen with the shooting of yet another unarmed black man. Show up, show your support, and after vote. #BlackLivesMatter

Indigenous Womxn's March on Portland 2018

For the anniversary of the Women's march, Portlanders joined together in support of the womxn who have been the back bones in the community throughout history. You will notice that I have not titled or left descriptions on any of these photographs. This is intentional. As a white cisgendered woman I have a privilege that many of these people photographed do not in that I am generally welcomed and listened to wherever I go. This was an incredibly moving event, filled with strong amazing people. I want to let the images of their action and the emotions shown speak for themselves. 

Portland's #MeToo Rally

Portlanders gathered in Pioneer Square to provide a supportive space for survivors to come forward and share their stories.

Portland's Impeachment March 2018

Portlanders gathered on the one year anniversary of the 45th President's inauguration to call for his impeachment.

Pacific University's It's On Us Rally

Pacific University students joined together to call out and condemn the culture of victimization that has become prevalent in our society. After Betsy Devos repealed aspects of enforcement of Title IX that would support and protect sexual assault survivors, Pacific University students asked questions to a panel of administration officials, CPS officers, and health services professionals about the changes that would occur on the campus and what the university would do to continue protecting students and fighting rape culture. 

Pride NW 2017

Lin Manuel-Miranda said it best when he said "love is love is love is love". I was able to join the throngs of people who came out to Portland to join each other and show love and support for all in the LGBTQ community.  I must say, it was amazing to see so many people come together in support of one another in a time of such anger and animosity. 

Pacific University's Consent Color Run

Pacific University held a Consent Color Run to advertise the importance of consent education. They combined a serious and often traumatizing subject with a fun activity for all to participate in. 

Portland Stands Against White Supremacy

The Portland community came out on September 9th after it was found out that Patriot Prayer had invited members of the Charlottesville march to gather in Portland. In the days leading up to the event, Patriot Prayer decided to split in multiple places to try and keep counter-protest groups thin. Unfortunately, for them between Terry Shrunk Plaza and the Waterfront there were only around 15 Patriot Prayer supporters opposed by thousands of counter protesters.

Eclipse Hate

Portlandians joined together in solidarity with Charlottesville to prove that love is stronger than hate. There was a beautiful rally where people shared their stories and the names of the people who have lost their lives due to white supremacy. Then we marched. We marched through the streets and over the bridges. There was little incident, only minor traffic delays, and all without any show from the local police. It was peaceful and powerful. 

Solidarity with Charlottesville

On August 12th, 2017. A white nationalist drove his car through a group of protesters in an act of domestic terrorism. He was in Charlottesville, Virginia attending a Unite the Right rally where Nazis, White Supremacists and Alt-Right members marched together on the University of Virginia campus. Heather Heyer was one of the protesters marching against the Nazis and white supremacists. She was also killed when hit by the car. The last words she posted to her Facebook before she was killed were "If you are not angry, you are not paying attention." Members of the Portland community joined together in support, prayer for those who had been hurt and hospitalized in the attack, and to denounce white supremacy.

Portland's Science March 2017

On Earth Day 2017 Portlandians gathered at the Morrison Bridge to denounce the 45th president and his administration's war on science and facts.

Million Women's March on Portland 2017

Today I joined around 100,000 people in downtown Portland who were marching in solidarity against the rhetoric of the past election cycle that has insulted and demonized so many. These people showed up in force to support: women, people of color, people of all faiths, people of all genders, immigrants and the undocumented. I watched as the crowd grew and grew leading up to the march. People danced to a DJ, hugged one another and chatted, and came together to sing an old labor union song with the lyrics "I will not be a tree that stands near the water, I  will not be moved". It was a peaceful, supportive, and monstrous in size. To have that many people show up in force and not have a single violent event occur speaks volumes.

Portland Stands with Standing Rock

On November 16th people gathered in Portland to show support and stand in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the water protectors currently defending the Sacred Stone Camp and Red Warrior Camp. I was able to talk to many of the people walking around with their signs. When asked what message they would like to tell the general public many responded with the same theme that they were out there to make people care about the issue and that they were sick of corporations abusing human rights. They also echoed the message that we need the government to recognize the human contribution to climate change. I then went to go listen to singing and was invited to participate in a round dance. It was amazing to see so many people fighting for a people who has had their rights historically violated and taken away in our country. 


A candlelight vigil at the Portland waterfront turned into a march to Pioneer Square when attendees were warned a counter pro-Trump rally was marching towards them with open carry guns threatening the vigil. Before the vigil had ended people were respectfully listening as one by one people spoke about support for one another, the need to fight for their rights, as well as tips on how to do so at the political level. People were supportive of one another. Cars honked and flashed peace signs at the marchers while waiting. 

December 2016 Portland Protests

Portland, Oregon has become a very politically active city in the past year. Most recently protests have circulated around President-elect Donald Trump, his cabinet appointees, and the legislation that targets people of specific races, religions, and economic status. These protests have mainly been organized by or with the help of Portland Resistance.

Pacific University's Take Back the Night 2016

Pacific University students banded together to fight against sexual assault and rape culture by marching at night through campus and up main street in Forest Grove chanting and holding signs. Many students carried signs in multiple languages speaking out against rape and sexual assault. After reaching the end of the march students were welcomed to share their stories of survival or support for survivors. For the respect of those who spoke I did not take pictures during that time. Always listen to and believe survivors. It is the very least we as human beings can treat one another. 

Pacific University's Step Into Her Shoes 2016

Step Into Her Shoes was an event created by Pacific University student Janae Sargent for Pacific. She took the idea of making men walk a mile in women's shoes as a way of fighting violence against women. Male students at Pacific signed up in teams and marched across campus while wearing heels, chanting, and holding signs. After marching all over campus and through dorms the men broke into their teams and participated in relay activities such as putting on bras, putting on makeup and announcing why they are participating in this event. All while wearing heels. The Alpha Zeta Fraternity scored highest and won the golden shoe.

Pacific Stands with Lewis and Clark

​After some racists attacks against students at Lewis and Clark College. Pacific University students decided to hold a rally in solidarity of Lewis and Clark students of color. Many students and the campus reverend, Chuck Curry, spoke out against racism and for the love and acceptance of all people. They organized using the hashtag #PacUStandsWithLC. 

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